Friday, October 28, 2011

We Have Returned!

Well, we're back from the East. It was another long flight with a short layover in Seoul, Korea. I instantly noticed how slow everything moves over here in the West. Traffic doesn't move as fast, there were instantly less people, and the convenience of getting something to eat is nothing like it is in China. You can walk out into the street anywhere and find people making food from a little cart or dozens of tiny restaurants! I miss China but we will return in a couple of years and stay for a good amount of time.

The question now is; what next? I have given a lot of thought about my blog and what I would do with it when I returned. Now that I have access to sites that were previously blocked by China, I can upload photos there. My good friend Chef Chris Windus of Bluezoo in Orlando used to have a blog but made his last post "How many blogs has Twitter killed?" almost 4 months ago. Even though I have access to these other venues to post and comment on things, I'm going to keep my blog going. It's become my own little "man diary."

I still have a good amount of stuff to post from China and our next adventure in San Fransisco is just about to start. We have a lot of exploring to do here, up and down the California coast, and beyond. I have also always wanted to be a movie critic and write reviews. Most of you know I watch a shitload of movies and sometimes they can be pretty obscure. I figure I'll give it a try and see how it goes. I'll try and continue to make my posts interesting with photos, comments, and just random things that entertain me! I hope you'll stay along for the ride!!

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