Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Great Outdoors

Here's a video that I wanted to show you in my train post but couldn't get it to upload while I was in Alaska due to slow connectivity. At any time during the train ride you can step out in-between the cars and take photo's from an open doorway.

The land here is amazing!! You can go for miles and miles and miles and not see another living soul! It's great!! 

Another thing I forgot to mention, the train offers a "flag service" to people of Alaska who live along the route. These people are completely off the grid-no phone, no Facebook, no TV, no nothing! They use the train to go into town to get supplies and then are dropped off wherever they live close to the tracks. They usually have a snowmobile there under a tarp that they use to get back to their house. Now that's living in the great outdoors!!

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