Friday, August 12, 2011

Lord Bao

In Andi's hometown of Hefei, there is a memorial to a very famous person in China called Lord Bao. Lord Bao was a high ranking official during the early 1000's who fought corruption and injustice. I guess he would resemble a superhero if China had one!

One of the pagoda's just inside the temple. I have seen several of these buildings since I have been here in China and I have to say they are amazing! There really cool to see up close and are always one of the first things you notice when you spot one from far away.

Once inside, you walk across a small bridge over a pond filled with water lilies.

The entrance is guarded by two stone statues that look like a cross between dragons and lions. This cross-breed like statue is very popular here in China. I have seen it at the entrance to banks, restaurants, and office buildings. These two statues had little monkey like dragon creatures crawling on them.

Lord Bao in gold!

People come, light incense, and pray in front of the statue. Andi's mom told me that the people who come here to pray usually have done something wrong. :P

Stone tablets that tell stories about the deeds that Lord Bao did.

Now these things are cool! Back in ancient times, if you were sentenced to death, you would have your head chopped off by one of these devices. It would depend on your status in society as to which one would be used to lop your head off. In both pictures: the bottom one would be used for merchants and common folk, the middle for government officers or store owners, and the top one for royalty such as the emperors son or wife.

Outside of the museum is a little sitting area. I thought this elephant furniture was kinda neat. It's all made of marble.

The pond that surrounds the museum has many stone made bridges like the one above.


  1. Definitely like the head lopping instruments. As for the pagoda do any
    Regular people live in them as houses?

  2. I figure you would have to be pretty strong to get a good cut the first time with one of those things! As for the pagoda's, these days they are only used as tourist places.
