Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Different Way to Order

As I said before, I still have some posts I never got to in China. One of them is on ordering food. Whenever we went out to eat, most of the time people would order for us. However, some restaurants in China don't give you a menu at all but instead have you walk into a certain area where all of the food is in pictures or has already been made and wrapped in plastic. A waitress follows you around as you choose which dishes you would like to order. I can never seem to get into this style of ordering food as the pictures never really look that appetizing. Of course, once the food hits the table it's usually quite good but it's just so different from what I was raised on in the US.

Picture after picture of everything offered.

Whole glazed duck.

Vegetables will also be displayed raw allowing you to choose what you would like.
They are usually just stir-fried with oil and garlic.

They also have an entire seafood section, letting you choose which fish, crab, shrimp, etc. you would like to eat.

Mr. Turtle.

Mr. Crab

Lobsters are slightly different from our American ones. They are usually more orange and have a lot more spikes.

Strange looking fish.

Some of the fish were tired of swimming and decided to take a "nap."

Right now is crab season in China and everyone scoops them up when they can. They are similar in size and flavor to our soft shell crabs but you can't eat the shell.
There also quite expensive.

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