Sunday, May 6, 2012

Stone Korean Kitchen

Two weeks ago Andi's stewardess friend was in town from Singapore and we all went out to eat. Andi had been craving Korean food for quite some time and I found a decent little place on Embarcadaro down by the waterfront called Stone Korean Kitchen. The food was quite good and the best part was $5 appetizers and buy 1 beer get another free during happy hour. Happy hour to me is a little bit of a foreign concept since in the state of Massachusetts your not allowed to discount alcohol so we never have a happy hour.

We started off with Jap Chae-glass noodles with marinated rib eye and seasonal vegetables. Not much to look at but really tasty.

Next they had a Spanish/Korean fusion of taco's for happy hour-grilled chicken, rib eye, and beef. What they lack in plate presentation they make up for in flavor.

House made pork, beef, chive, and ginger dumplings. Delicious!
(Mr. Bean, recognize the plate?!?! :p)

Andi and her friend got Soon Du Bu, a soft tofu stew with pork belly, shrimp, clams, squid, and vegetables. It's served with a raw egg that you crack on top. 

I got Dol Sot Bi Bim Bap-marinated rib eye, vegetables, steamed white rice, and a fried egg served inside of a stone rice bowl at 500 degrees. I added some house made Korean pickles and a ketchup/sesame sauce on top and it was sooooooooo good!!!

Finally I washed it all down with one of my favorite beers Hitachino Nest Beer. It's a Japanese beer from the Kiuchi Brewery in Ibaraki Japan. Their website is quite informative on their beer and sake making process with some cool photo's of their fermentation rooms and how they polish the rice. If you can find it, buy it!! It's a little expensive since it's making a long travel to get here but it's well worth it. I had an XH Ale with they let fermentate in sake cast. A little sweet for my taste but
 still a great beer!


  1. haha ya i do recognize that plate. i bet that plate is still in the basement of kingfish.

  2. Ha! Should have stole it before you left!! :P
