So last Monday I was at work helping to put away an order that just came in. I was bending down to grab a box(which I do carefully since I've had problems before) and I felt something in my back give. I've had back pain before and usually just ride it out. I thought I had just pulled something small and if I watched it carefully it would go away like it always had before. However, two days later I could hardly put my shoes on. I went into work and was helping out on the line for breakfast when my back completely gave out!! I could hardly move, my face turned white(or so I was told), I felt nauseous, and started to sweat. I haven't had pain like that since my lung collapsed years ago and they had to break the cartilage between my ribs to get the chest tube in! I was taken to an urgent care office where they told me that I had a severe
lumbar strain. A lumbar strain is "when the ligaments, the tough bands of tissue that hold bones together, are torn from their attachments." HOLY SHIT does it hurt!!! They injected a muscle relaxer into my back, did a little physical therapy, gave me some pills(anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxants, and pain pills) and sent me on my way. I now have to wear a back brace at work(which I've been out of for 5 days now) and can't lift anything for several weeks.
This is right where it hurts!!! It felt like my entire back was tied into one large knot and every time I moved someone was stabbing me with a knife right in that spot! Not fun. :(
Wow! Thats pretty crazy. Hope it gets better soon.